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Benutzerbild von SM0kE
Status: Offline
Beiträge: 1
Registriert seit: 12.10.2013
Standard SM0kE - 13.10.2013, 20:48


Server: Surf_Ski_2

Name: Daniel Thors

In-Game Name: SM0kE | PhewPhew

Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:30205040
Alter: 18 in december

Wohnort: Gothenburg, Sweden

Sprachkentnisse: English / Swedish and I understand a bit of deutsch

Grund: Not the best surfer, but I'm good at killing peeps

Bekanntschaft mit Terrorkom-Member: Netron, Oversmoked

Hello there,

Since I'm not familiar with the dutch/deutsch language, I'll make my app in english.
To get started, I know you guys prefer dutch/deutsch people overall, but I've seen players from all around the world like slovaks, russians, swedish, norwegian, danish people on your server. And in my opinion I'd want admins with knowledge of different language just to know if someone. Or if someone is using offensive language but in none-understandable language for the admins. So a variation would be nice, to keep that problem off the server.

To be honest, I only believe Netron knows who I am since he's the only active admin on the surf_ski_2 server that I've noticed(also oversmoked now). I wanna be a friendly / fair admin & follow the rules, and I believe you guys have to be more strict with the rules etc, get more admins, since Netron & the new admin oversmoked can't be on all the time, so the solution would be to get more trustworthy admins also.

Well, a wall of text.. but I hope you get my point.
sincerly, SM0kE |PhewPhew

Geändert von SM0kE (17.10.2013 um 20:47 Uhr)
   Mit Zitat antworten


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