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admin abuse
Benutzerbild von kadiek
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Standard admin abuse - 24.07.2009, 14:10

Hi Terrorkom,

Last time i got a arguement with diego about what he thinks about me.
He said:
1. You think you are god
2. You have no respect for the other players
3. You only think to you self

So i explain him those 3 things.

That's what i said to him:
1. I never think that i were god and nobody thinks like that.
2. I have no respect for the people that have no respect for my clan(bhoppers)
3. If i only think to my own I would say all the time things like "Everybody F*CK or I am the best."

When diego said: i am sorry but my english is not so good.
I said then, "It's to late to apologize" -> And deleted him from friends.

next thing i was playing on Deathrun for fun... Everbody say "hi kadiek" or things like that
i said hi back how are you.....

Then i said to: "Diego do you still think that i only think of my self?"
He said "Yes" Then i said: "Okey diego never talk to me again okey?" His response: "Okey."

The next Thing.

Today i was deathrunning and only I and hardcore were left (deathrun_darkside). Diego was Terror. Hardcore and me waited for a trap and sudenly hardcore running through 4 traps and the Terror didn't do anything. (Freerun) Diego was still waiting for me. I ask Diego: "Diego no Freerun?" He answered with: "Stfu kadiedk."
I said: "read /rules (/rules is a page where you can find the rules end clearly says no freerun bantime 5-30 min)"
Then imidiatly hardcore write to me on Steam Friends:
HaRdCoRe: kaidek pls shut up =)
Kadiek nope
Kadiek you guys are admin
Kadiek in the rules
Kadiek no
Kadiek freerun
HaRdCoRe: yes i know it but you are wery bad in last time
Kadiek i made once a offence i goth a kcik
Kadiek na
Kadiek dont blame it now on me
Kadiek yi was with you last
Kadiek end diego wanted to take my
Kadiek so he let you go
Kadiek i am not focking stupid
Kadiek nothing to say anymore
HaRdCoRe: yes is good its make me nothing
HaRdCoRe: waht you said
Kadiek why are you typing to my then
HaRdCoRe is now playing Counter-Strike. Click here to join.
Kadiek buth now
Kadiek why freerun
Kadiek istn that agianst the rules
HaRdCoRe: kadiek SHut up and let me play
Kadiek no
HaRdCoRe: tahn look for a anotther server
Kadiek focking rules
Kadiek dude
Kadiek why
HaRdCoRe: waht du you would from me
Kadiek in the rules says no freerun
Kadiek why freerun then ?
HaRdCoRe: yes
Kadiek tell my
Kadiek why you geth freerun when i end you only are over
HaRdCoRe: i dont iunteresed than you must look at for new deathrun server and not terrokom

I don't think that admins have to act like this.

Then Shoty talked to Hardcore about this.
That's the Texthistory:

Shoty: Shoty: was willst du von kadiek ?
HaRdCoRe: ?
Shoty: muckst du bei kadiek auf
Shoty: ?
Shoty: der meint du machst als admin freerun und so
HaRdCoRe: alder hdf du spacken xD

I was on the End of darkside to kill the Terror. Diego imidiatly changed the map to deathrun_garden without waiting. That shows he don't have any Respect if he does things like that.

Then we played deathrun_garden and Diego changed his Nick to: Diego @ Kadiek Rules Abusing.

I thought "WTF?" he give Hardcore a freerun and say then i'm on Rule Abusing?

Then i said: "Diego why i do Rule abuse? And then i did Rule Abuse?"
After that i got kicked...-.-'

I really hope that Terrokom will act now, 'cause good Admins don't act like this...

Greetz, Kadiek

Geändert von kadiek (24.07.2009 um 14:45 Uhr)
Benutzerbild von Diego
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Ort: Bremen
Standard 24.07.2009, 15:29

... ich schreib jetzt erstmal auf deutsch.


Zu den ersten Punkten sag ich nur, ja hab ich so gesagt, allerdings nicht ganz so gemeint. Hat allerdings auch nichts mit Admin abuse zutun.

Ich weiß jetzt nicht ganz, was Hallo zutun haben soll mit "nur an sich denken"

Heute auf dem Deathrun Server > Map deathrun_darkside

Ich war mit Hardcore im Ts und wir haben uns über eine Stelle bei darkside unterhalten, ob man die nicht anders umgehen "Könnte". Also hab ich ihn durchgelasssen und mit ihm abgesprochen, dass er sich, nachdem er es ausprobiert hat, killt. Das hat er auch gemacht.

Ich habe niemals Shut the FUCK UP gesagt... Ich habe Shut up please gesagt, denn ich konnte und wollte es nicht auf englisch ausdrücken. Denn ich möchte auch mal spielen.

Jetzt braucht kadiek nicht tun, als ob er nichts gemacht hätte. 2 Runden danach war minip terror. Minip ist einer von den B'hoppers. Er hat natürlich Kadiek druchgelassen. Also habe ich einfach ncihts gemacht und als Kadiek durch war habe ich schnell die Map vorzeitig (war eh letzte Runde) gewechselt.

minip kann froh sein, dass er nicht gebannt wurde.


dass das Verhältnis zwischen Shoty und Hardcore ziemlich angespannt ist, ist bekannt. Einfach nicht zu sehr auf die Gold-Wage legen.


Nachdem er nicht aufhören wollte mit dem Rules Abusing .... hab ich ihm ein Gefallen getan (damit er es nicht immer schreiben muss) und mich Diego @ Rules Abusing by Kadiek. Dies sollte nur sagen, dass ich die Regeln missbraucht habe, weil Kadiek das gesagt hat. Es sollte nicht heißen, dass Kadiek die Regeln missbraucht hat.

Wer es für mich übersetzt ist wirklich sehr nett ^^

Benutzerbild von HaRdCoRe
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Ort: Lichtenstein
Standard 24.07.2009, 15:52

Hallo so da ich gerade eben alle smit kadiek geklärt habe =) wir wieder in gutem verhältnis sind möche ich zurückgreifen auf die lage mit shoty und mir!

1. Find ich es eine frechheit das shoty kadiek nicht alles geschikt hat von dem gespräch! da er danach geshcirbren hat Du Hund Lern Deutsch udn noch eine bemerkung.

2. da will ich fragen warum hast du es nicht getan Shoty..?
Benutzerbild von Arsen
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Standard 24.07.2009, 15:59

... Frist of all i will write in german.


To the first Topic... Yes i said that but i doesn't mean it like that. Btw. it's not a case of Admin abuse.

I don't know what "Hello" compare with "only think of myself".

Today on the Deathrun Server > Map deathrun_darkside

I was with Hardcore in Teamspeak and we talked about the part of Darkside. We thought maybe we can try a new way to solve the Trap. So i let him pas to try it with the rule he have to kill his self after that. He done that!

Ich habe niemals Shut the FUCK UP gesagt... Ich habe Shut up please gesagt, denn ich konnte und wollte es nicht auf englisch ausdrücken. Denn ich möchte auch mal spielen.

I never said "Shut the FUCK UP". I said: "Shut up please", 'cause i wouldn't and couldn't say the whole case in english. 'Cause also i want to play sometimes.

Now kadiek you shouldn't say that you did nothing. 2 round after me minip got chosen to be Terror. Minip is a member of the "B'h0ppers". He let Kadiek pass (Freerun). I did nothing but i changed map (Last Round anyways) before Kadiek killed the Terror.

Minip can feel lucky that he isn't banned already, for that.


That the proportion betweed Shoty and Hardcore a bit "tens" is, is known everythere. I wouldn't care too much about that Statement.


After he didn't stopped with Rules Abusing... I decided to do something nice to him (So he don't have to write it all Time). So i changed my nick into "Diego @ Rules Abusing by Kadiek". That should mean that I do rules Abusing beacuse Kadiek said that. It shouldn't mean that Kadiek does Rules Abusing.

The guy who translate for me in english is really nice.

Translated by aRseN
Benutzerbild von Arsen
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Standard 24.07.2009, 16:01

Ich denke halt das Shoty dir ans Bein Pinkeln wollte, was ja bekannter weise seine Art ist...

Geändert von Arsen (24.07.2009 um 16:08 Uhr)
Benutzerbild von kadiek
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Standard 24.07.2009, 16:06

you where saying that minip was letting me true (freerun) that isnt was the case.
whe were on ventrilo talking sondeli he said me virus scanners opens so he goes to his screen end i tought then i fast go.
so i run run run, end i heard minip running me after because i had mij headset on, so i had finish the map just wanted to kill the t you changed te map that is not correct, buth still that is not the worst.

When we were at deathrun_garden still i wanted to know why you let hardcore freerun you didnt say something end suddenly you com now on the server saying that you were trying something why you dont say that in server, buth when i askt that i goth a kick by you, end for that you dont geth a kick i wanted to know only why he goth a freerun end you sayd nothing nothing end i goth on my screen you goth kicked why kick then.
Benutzerbild von Diego
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Ort: Bremen
Standard 24.07.2009, 16:26

Sorry. I think the whole thing is a big misunderstanding.

Kadiek > add me please in steam again... We must talk about much things.

I thought the thing with "god" at the time not so.

Benutzerbild von HaRdCoRe
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Ort: Lichtenstein
Standard 24.07.2009, 16:43

aRsen Bravo.. geiler typ der aRsen xD überstzt hald alles kurz in englisch des is mein mann.. der Patrick sehr nice!!

ja da sieht mann hald mal wieder haste mal wieder recht Patriock das mim shoty!
Benutzerbild von kadiek
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Standard 24.07.2009, 17:11

you add my kadiros
Benutzerbild von Arsen
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Standard 24.07.2009, 19:12

Damit sollte die Sache ja geklärt sein.
The Problem should be solve now.

=) Danke @ Hardcore xD
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