Hi Terrorkom,
Last time i got a arguement with diego about what he thinks about me.
He said:
1. You think you are god
2. You have no respect for the other players
3. You only think to you self
So i explain him those 3 things.
That's what i said to him:
1. I never think that i were god and nobody thinks like that.
2. I have no respect for the people that have no respect for my clan(bhoppers)
3. If i only think to my own I would say all the time things like "Everybody F*CK or I am the best."
When diego said: i am sorry but my english is not so good.
I said then, "It's to late to apologize" -> And deleted him from friends.
next thing i was playing on Deathrun for fun... Everbody say "hi kadiek" or things like that
i said hi back how are you.....
Then i said to: "Diego do you still think that i only think of my self?"
He said "Yes" Then i said: "Okey diego never talk to me again okey?" His response: "Okey."
The next Thing.
Today i was deathrunning and only I and hardcore were left (deathrun_darkside). Diego was Terror. Hardcore and me waited for a trap and sudenly hardcore running through 4 traps and the Terror didn't do anything. (Freerun) Diego was still waiting for me. I ask Diego: "Diego no Freerun?" He answered with: "Stfu kadiedk."
I said: "read /rules (/rules is a page where you can find the rules end clearly says no freerun bantime 5-30 min)"
Then imidiatly hardcore write to me on Steam Friends:
HaRdCoRe: kaidek pls shut up =)
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: nope
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: you guys are admin
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: in the rules
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: no
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: freerun
HaRdCoRe: yes i know it but you are wery bad in last time
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: i made once a offence i goth a kcik
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: na
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: dont blame it now on me
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: yi was with you last
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: end diego wanted to take my
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: so he let you go
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: 
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: i am not focking stupid
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: nothing to say anymore
HaRdCoRe: yes is good its make me nothing
HaRdCoRe: waht you said
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: why are you typing to my then
HaRdCoRe is now playing Counter-Strike. Click here to join.
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: buth now
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: why freerun
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: istn that agianst the rules
HaRdCoRe: kadiek SHut up and let me play
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: no
HaRdCoRe: tahn look for a anotther server
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: focking rules
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: dude
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: why
HaRdCoRe: waht du you would from me
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: in the rules says no freerun
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: why freerun then ?
HaRdCoRe: yes
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: tell my
Kadiek #Status-Gaming.eu: why you geth freerun when i end you only are over
HaRdCoRe: i dont iunteresed than you must look at for new deathrun server and not terrokom
I don't think that admins have to act like this.
Then Shoty talked to Hardcore about this.
That's the Texthistory:
Shoty: Shoty: was willst du von kadiek ?
HaRdCoRe: ?
Shoty: muckst du bei kadiek auf
Shoty: ?
Shoty: der meint du machst als admin freerun und so
HaRdCoRe: alder hdf du spacken xD
I was on the End of darkside to kill the Terror. Diego imidiatly changed the map to deathrun_garden without waiting. That shows he don't have any Respect if he does things like that.
Then we played deathrun_garden and Diego changed his Nick to:
Diego @ Kadiek Rules Abusing.
I thought "WTF?" he give Hardcore a freerun and say then i'm on Rule Abusing?
Then i said: "Diego why i do Rule abuse? And then i did Rule Abuse?"
After that i got kicked...-.-'
I really hope that Terrokom will act now, 'cause good Admins don't act like this...
Greetz, Kadiek