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      Left 4 Dead Update
newsicon Es ist leider noch immer nicht das erwartete Content-Update. Statt dessen kommt ein großes Update für den Versus-Modus.

Der Tank kann nun zum Beispiel mit einem Schlag mehrere Überlebende treffen. Der Hunter verursacht brennend weniger Schaden und Boomer verteilen ihre Körperflüssigkeit jetzt auch nach unten wenn sie platzen. Des weiteren muss jetzt im Versus-Modus das Team mit der höheren Punktezahl zuerst in der Rolle der Überlebenden starten.


Versus Mode Changes

  • Tank melee attack can now hit multiple Survivors in one swing

  • Fixed Tank punch being able to hit targets behind walls

  • Fixes to 'Tank parking'. The Tank will now run back and attack the Survivors if he becomes AI due to two players expiring the frustration meter

  • Fixed a case where a Tank frustration meter could run out right as he was in his death animation and he would come back to life

  • Fixed a case where the Tank was moving too slowly while crouching and being shot

  • Tanks now have the possibility of spawning in a slightly different position for the first and second teams

  • The order that the teams play as Survivors is now determined by which team has the higher overall score. The winning team will play as Survivors first

  • The Smoker tongue can now target and grab victims through common infected

  • Increased the cone in which a Smoker can grab a target

  • Increased the cone in which a Smoker can grab a target

  • The Witch no longer cuts Smoker tongues in a radius around her

  • Boomers that explode in mid-air will now hit Survivors directly below them with Bile

  • Reduced the damage that burning Hunters do to pounced victims

  • Adjusted the time at which players take over from bots to avoid 5 seconds of the bot standing idle while the player finishes connecting.

  • Fixed some cases where versus score was not being recalculated properly. It is no longer beneficial to pass pills between players at the end of the round or heal other players and then shoot them

  • Fixed a case where it was possible to spectate an AI infected and hit +use to take them over

  • Server Changes

  • Added convar sv_gametype that allows server operators to limit the types of games that will start on their server. Default value is 'coop,versus'. Can be changed to just 'coop' or just 'versus' to limit to those game types

  • General changes

  • Fixed a case where players would join as a dead Survivor when a living Survivor was still available

  • Fixed a case where restarting a level due to the team dying would give more than the max primary ammo on restart

  • Fixed the speaking icon showing up on the local player during level transition if voice_vox was set to 1

  • The scoreboard now shows the numeric value of a player's ping

  • GameUI

  • Quick match will now try to match to any campaign. Removed the preference to match to games according to the player progressing through all campaigns

  • Games in a finale are now joinable via the Friends and Steam Group games list

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