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Benutzerbild von Lithdk
Status: Offline
Beiträge: 9
Registriert seit: 09.06.2013
Standard 11.06.2013, 18:07

Zitat von KilluMinAti54 Beitrag anzeigen       
Dude, calm down. Shadow is not even a Deathrun Admin, he is a Jailmod Admin.

Since the last updates many people are lagging because of flashlight and some people have a bad computer and get fps drops because of it. So why are you so selfish, think about the other players. If the admin tells you to turn off your flashlight, u have to. You have a usp with it u can shoot on the floor, or just run and die who cares, its called deathrun, if u fail the first you remember this trap for goods.

You act here like you are playing for 100 years on terrorkom servers, and tell the terrorkom is dead stupid admins bla bla bla, just because he wanted you to close the flashlight so other people wont lag. I think he did everything right with Kick/Ban or w/e he did to you.

Just think about cheaters, it is also unfair against other players on the server, so admins ban them.
Another one who doesn't read. I simply can't keep going. I hope some higher ups see this thread and start making some changes to the intrastructure.
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