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Flashlight, permitted or not?
Benutzerbild von Lithdk
Status: Offline
Beiträge: 9
Registriert seit: 09.06.2013
Standard Flashlight, permitted or not? - 09.06.2013, 14:06


Recently I've been kicked from your deathrun server for using flashlight. Apperantly it make some people's FPS drop. However, flashlight has alot of strategic advantages in deathrun. It has been used for a long time to spot traps in the floor, furthermore it is just generally nice to have in dark maps like deathrun_death.

Now, because a few people has a computer that cant handle something as simple as flashlight doesnt mean I cant use it, right? They could just turn down their settings, update their drivers or whatever the *bleep* is wrong with their personal computer. I mean, I dont get kicked from battlefield servers for firing with a tank or using flashy spells in world of warcraft. And this is just flashlight? Come on, so we cant use smoke grenades from the drshop either? Smokes should decrease their FPS by far more than flashlight.

So I guess I just wanted to clarify, can it really be true that flashlight is forbidden because a few people with terrible PCs get a FPS drop because of it?

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